Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Recursively delete .svn directories

rm -rf `find . -type d -name .svn`

Shows svn check ins for a specific user in a certain date range.

$ svn log -r {2009-07-09}:{2007-08-17} | grep -a3

Svn diff

Svn difference command

svn diff -r 30:34 <filename>
It will provide the partitular file name difference 
svn diff -r 2815:2814 --summarize
It will provide the comlete file list that have been changed  

Python coding guidlines

Hi All,

This link will help in understanding the python coding guidlines


Svn revert command

svn update 
svn merge -r 150:140 . 
svn commit -m "Rolled back to r140"